Saturday 24 August 2013

Early days...

Welcome to the Macleay Island Community Garden blog. Here we will be documenting the progress of the garden and all activities related to the garden. It's very much in the early stages yet as can be seen in the following photos, but the development is in full swing!

The large compost bay completed. This will be open to the whole of the community to deposit their fruit and vegetable scraps and other waste materials suitable for composting.

Piles of beautiful old rustic sleepers ready to be made into raised garden beds

The huge pile of excavated dirt to be used in the bases of the garden beds. It's not the best quality of soil (yet), but following number 6 of Permaculture's 12 design principles it works perfectly... "Produce no waste: By valuing and making use of all the resources that are available to us, nothing goes to waste." Once mixed with rich organic compost the dirt will transform into fertile and productive soil to support beautiful garden plots in no time!

The first garden bed constructed and filled with soil. Hurrah!

The end of a successful Saturday morning working bee.